Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)

  • Compact Relay Controllers
  • Micro & Nano Programmable Logic Controllers
  • Mid-Range Modular PLC
  • Higher end PAC Systems
  • Remote/Distributed IO systems
  • Motion Controllers

Low Voltage AC Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)

Low Voltage variable frequency Drives for different types of applications like

  • Hoist Applications
  • HVAC
  • Fan & Pump Application
  • Elevator Applications
  • Compressor Application
  • Conveyor Systems

Industrial Software

  • Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition Systems(SCADA)
  • Utility Management Software
  • Report Generation Software
  • Configuration tools for different types of Industrial grade controllers

Human Machine Interface (HMI)

  • Monochrome HMI with & Without Keypad
  • Color HMI with &Without Keypad
  • HMI with Touch screen
  • HMI with Remote access
  • HMI with USB/Memory Card compatibility

Servo & Stepper Motors

  • Servo Motors with & without break
  • Stepper motors
  • Products with wide range of inertia and rpm.

Sensors & Machine Safety

  • Photo electric
  • Ultrasonic Sensors
  • Laser Sensors
  • Proximity Sensors
  • Array Sensors
  • Radar Sensors
  • Barcode detectors
  • Vision Cameras
  • Limit Switches
  • Touch Buttons
  • Safety Controllers
  • Lights and alarms

Instrumentation Products

  • Pressure Transmitters & Switches
  • Level transmitters & Switches
  • Temperature sensors & transmitters
  • Flow transmitters & switches
  • Temperature Controllers
  • Paperless recorders
  • Ultrasonic flow meters
  • Analyzers

Wireless Systems

  • GSM Based Wireless systems
  • Radio Frequency wireless technology
  • Zig Bee wireless technology

Control Panels

  • Design, integration, supply, erection and commissioning of electrical & Instrumentation control panels based on customer requirement.

Our Vendors

24×7 Technical Support: – Call: +91-9746222076